China Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Report (2019)
| GEP Research : China Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Report (2019)
| ContentsChapter I Environmental Impact Analysis Concerning China's Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Section 1 Analysis for the Influence of Macro Environment on Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Section 2 Analysis on Industrial Policy, Law and Regulation Environment 1. Industrial Policies 2. Pollution Discharge Permit 3. Price Policies Section 3 Analysis on Technical Policies and Environment 1. Discharge Standards: Continues Improvements of Standardized and Regulated System (1) National Discharge Standards (2) Local Discharge Standards 2. Technical Specifications Chapter II Demand Analysis and Prospect Forecast for the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry in China Section 1. Market Demand Analysis and Trend Forecast for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry 1. Market Capacity Demanded by the Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry 2. Demand Structure Analysis and Prospects (1) Investment in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Engineering (2) Industrial Wastewater Operation Service Market Section 2. Demand Development Trends and Driving Factors 1. Severe Water Use Environment in China, with Water for Industrial Uses Being Accounting for A Large Share 2. Generally Declined Initial Discharge Volume of Industrial Wastewater 3. National Environmental Protection Policies Stimulated Industrial Wastewater Treatment Demands Section 3. Regional Market Demand Analysis and Prospects 1. Obvious Regional Distribution of Pollutants in Wastewater 2. Distribution of Industrial Wastewater Discharge Volume in Major Cities Section 4. Demands in Key Industries Chapter III Analysis on the Supply and Competition in China's Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Section 1. Concentration Ratio of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry Section 2. Analysis on Profitability of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Industry
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